Friday, 14 March 2014

DRC Looks to Follow in Uganda's Footsteps With Anti-Gay Bill

A Congolese MP is leading the latest bid to criminalise homosexuality, but he will have to deal with a counter-campaign by LGBT activists and health workers if he is to be successful.

Kinshasa - As Uganda comes to terms with the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill recently signed into law, there some are pushing the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to follow in its footsteps.

Last December, Steve Mbikayi, an MP with the Parti Travailliste Congolais (PTC), introduced a draft bill to the Congolese National Assembly that would explicitly criminalise homosexuality. The DRC is one of the relatively few African countries in which homosexual acts have not been directly banned though there is much discrimination against LGBT communities.

Throughout February, Mbikayi toured the country to garner popular support for the bill. In addition to radio interviews and television appearances, the MP spoke at a conference organised at the University of Kinshasa where he condemned homosexuality and Western leaders for condoning "unnatural acts" such as paedophilia and bestiality. Mbikayi also defended his bill as being constitutional, citing article 40 of the Congolese constitution, which states that "all individuals have the right to marry a person of their choice of the opposite sex."

Mbikayi's bill - which has yet to be made public but which has been seen by Think Africa Press - contains 37 articles that would render homosexuality and transgenderism illegal. The proposed penalty for engaging in a homosexual act is 3 to 5 years in prison and a fine of 1 million Congolese francs (about $1,000); while a transgender person would face the same fine and a jail sentence of 3 to 12 years.

The draft also contains a passage promising that the Congolese government will pay three quarters of any medical costs to "correct hormonal disorders that may result in homosexuality."

"The bill emanates from the Travailliste Party's philosophy," Mbikayi explained to Think Africa Press. "In relation to our culture, homosexuality is an 'anti-value' that comes from abroad. Already, in our country, seeing a man with a man or a woman with a woman is considered scandalous. So I promised my base that I would take care of the issue and penalise homosexuals."

Combating campaigns

If Mbikayi is successful, the DRC could criminalise homosexuality, but this is not the first time an MP has tried to pass an anti-homosexuality bill in the DRC. In January 2009, a law preventing homosexuals from adopting children was passed. And in October 2010, a bill entitled the Law Concerning Sexual Practices
 Against Nature was put forward to the National Assembly by MP and bishop Evariste Ejiba Yamapia.

Similarly to Mbikayi's, this bill sought to modify the penal code and law on sexual violence by making what it called "counter-nature acts" - defined as homosexuality and zoophilia - punishable by three to five years in prison and a fine of 200,000 Congolese francs ($200). The bill would have also banned organisations, publications, posters, or pamphlets 'promoting unnatural sexual acts'.

This 2010 bill, however, was never voted on in a parliamentary session, for reasons that remain unconfirmed.

Now, Congolese LGBT activists are hoping Mbikayi's bill goes the same way.

In response to Mbikayi's campaigning, human rights activists and HIV/AIDS workers have started informally petitioning MPs and sensitising the general public to the potentially damaging implications of the bill. And some activists are optimistic they can win the public battle over the draft law.

"In the city [Kinshasa], we know gays and transvestites who are known and accepted by their communities.
 No-one would try to attack them," explains Okakessema Olivier Nyamana, a lawyer from an NGO that works with HIV-positive people. "To me, it seems like political opportunism."

This view was shared by Patrick Civava, a lawyer and employee at the Kinshasa University's Centre for Human Rights, who sees Mbikayi's bill as little more than attention seeking. "Seeing that homosexuality in

Africa is entering the international debate, he simply wants to draw attention to himself," he says.
With the next parliamentary session looming, however, others are more pessimistic. "My fear is that the bill will pass next week without anyone noticing," says Françoise Mukuku, the executive director of Si Jeunesse Savait, a feminist organisation that also advocates for the rights of LGBT people in the DRC.

Meanwhile, Hilaire Mbwolie, director of a local organisation that conducts HIV/AIDS counselling and testing, voices his concern on the grounds of how the bill might impact on public health. "A law like that blocks the combat against HIV/AIDS. It will make it hard to conduct HIV testing," he says.

A rising tide?

If the proposed bill attracts the necessary support, it could be debated in the DRC's next parliamentary session on 15 March.

To try and ensure this, Mbikayi, who represents the Tshangu district of Kinshasa, disclosed that he intends to organise sit-ins, debates and approach various religious groups to endorse his proposals. He also expressed an interest in meeting LGBT communities to debate with them the bill's legitimacy. LGBT activists meanwhile will be continue their own campaigning against the bill in the hope it never makes its way onto the parliamentary schedule.

If the bill were to be discussed and signed into law, the DRC would become the 38th African country to criminalise homosexuality and would provide another sign of a rising tide of legislative homophobia across the continent.

134 NGOs Call On ICC Prosecutor to Continue Investigations in Congo

Joint Declaration from 134 Civil Society and Human Rights Organizations Regarding the International Criminal Court Prosecutor's Visit to Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

The signatories of this declaration-134 Congolese and international civil society and human rights organizations with a presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo-welcome the arrival this week of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor, Mrs. Fatou Bensouda, in Kinshasa.

They congratulate the Prosecutor for her office's contribution to the fight against impunity in Congo. The convictions of Thomas Lubanga, former president of the Union des Patriotes Congolais (UPC) and Germain Katanga, former president of an opposed armed group, the Front de Résistance Patriotique en Ituri (FRPI), for serious crimes committed in Ituri in 2002 and 2003 are an important step toward justice for the victims of grave crimes in Ituri.

The organizations also welcome the confirmation of charges hearing against Bosco Ntaganda, held in The Hague from February 10 to 14, 2014.

Ntaganda-who managed to move from one armed group to another without being arrested and who was even rewarded with the position of General in the Congolese armed forces-had become a symbol of impunity in Congo. To see him in the dock at the ICC was a powerful signal that should serve as a warning to other commanders of armed groups and forces in eastern Congo.

At the same time, the organizations regret that horrific crimes continue to be committed against Congolese civilians, particularly in the country's eastern provinces. They therefore believe that further action by the ICC is still necessary and urgent.

Specifically, the organizations urge the ICC Prosecutor:

1) To continue investigations in Congo and quickly charge those who bear the greatest responsibility for crimes committed against the civilian population;

2) More specifically, to investigate senior military and political officials who have supported the many armed groups in Congo responsible for grave human rights violations by providing these groups with weapons, funding, recruits and training, including officials from Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda;

3) To improve the quality of investigations conducted by her office as suggested by the judges in the judgment acquitting Mathieu Ngudjolo, leader of the Front National Intégriste (FNI);

4) To continue efforts to investigate and prosecute crimes of rape, sexual slavery and other sexual violence that has plagued the conflicts ravaging Congo;

5) To clarify the relationship between the Office of the Prosecutor and local intermediaries, notably in matters of selection, training, compensation and protection;

6) To continue efforts, together with the ICC registry team, to inform victims and communities most affected by the crimes addressed by ICC cases. To that effect, consider opening an office in Goma, North Kivu province, and undertaking visits to Ituri and the Kivu provinces in the future.

7) To support national efforts to fight impunity for the most serious crimes through fair, credible and impartial trials, notably by expressing support to the government's proposal to establish specialized mixed chambers within the Congolese judicial system, provided they are independent and effective, and by pressing for the urgent adoption of the draft legislation implementing the ICC treaty into Congolese law.
Kinshasa, March 13, 2014
  Contributed by the HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH